David Pearlman
Business Genre
Short Business Description
Archaeology, Bird-watching, Nature Monuments, Walking, Hiking/Trekking, 4x4 and/or Minibus "off-the-beaten-track" explorations, Standard "Mainstream" Sites, Ethnography, Individual, Small Group and Family-oriented tours.
Long Business Description

Former Archaeologist with 20 years excavation and archaeological survey experience in coastal and river valley areas of Cyprus and founder of first tourism company focusing on "off-the-beaten-track" environmental tourism on the island. Now working free lance, and specializing in mainstream and wilderness sites with emphasis on history, archaeology and landscapes. Special Interests: Archaeology, Geology, Ornithology, Walking and 4x4 Explorations. Emphasis on: High-level/No-Bull information, Fun, Adventure (for all levels), contact with Nature and Animals. Style: Individually-based tourism with Empathy, Sophistication and an eye towards showing the Wow-factor of Cyprus with lowest negative impact on environment.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Mobile Number
Registered with CTO?
Languages spoken
Greek, English, German
Areas you work in
Nicosia Lefkosia, Larnaca, Limassol, Paphos, Famagusta, Troodos
Any additional Information you want to share
My style of guiding and tourism: Not for the average tourist, but rather for those that want an above-average, intellectual and (at times) thrill-seeking experience.
  • Cyprus Flower Power (November - May)
  • Can't rule out a "Cyprus
  • The Ortos Head: In May, 1986, I found this object on surface of an Aceramic Neolithic settlement site in Paphos District, now on display in the newly rennovated Paphos District Archaeological Museum.
  • Natural Phenomena and Nature Monuments: The Best of the Best!
  • Seek and you shall find: Clear, Blue, Pristine

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